Monday, September 6, 2010

Year Two

Welcome back everyone! We're starting preparations for another year of Beards for Breast Cancer. There have been many changes to the site including a new redesign, increased connectivity through facebook, twitter, and RSS. Also, we now have a shop open to purchase Beards for Breast Cancer apparel.

Be sure to spread the word about Beards for Breast Cancer during the month of September and make sure to join us on the first of October!

1 comment:

  1. A friend and I started a Beards for Breast Cancer group for teachers at our Middle School in Susquehanna Township, PA. We had no idea you guys already started this! Each male teacher has donated $10 and must grow a beard through the month of October. The last man to shave it off gets half the money and the other half goes to a donation. Hopefully the winner will donate it all back. So far we have raised $130. During October, the students will have the opportunity to buy paper beards and place them under the picture of the teacher they believe will win. All proceeds will be donated. We have created a video. Check it out at
