Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Help Us Spread The Word

We are starting to ramp up for Beards for Breast Cancer during the month of October.  We are growing beards again to help raise awareness for breast cancer.  Don't forget you can participate too.  We could really use your help on getting the word out.  We are trying to raise at least $1,000 this year.  Here are a couple of ways that you can help us.

Help Us on Twitter
If you are on Twitter, you can help out by sending out the tweet below. Just copy and paste the text below.

Please help Beards for Breast Cancer reach their $1,000 goal for Susan G Komen. Donate $1. http://su.pr/2SqSLr #b4bc

Help Us on Facebook
If you are Facebook, please "Like Us" to help us spread the word. http://su.pr/9LEztF

Get Our Gear
You can also help out by purchasing a Beards for Breast Cancer shirt from our new Beards for Breast Cancer store.  Not only are you help us spread the word by doing so, but all of the proceeds from the sale of the shirts will be donated towards the cause.

Thanks for your help.  We really appreciate it!


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