Thursday, October 21, 2010

Competition Winner

If you've been following the story of Jim O'Brien's beard, you'd know that the Fox 59 meteorologist grew his facial hair for Beards for Breast Cancer. Jim was only able to grow the beard out for half the month due to a photo obligation but nonetheless he was able to help raise awareness and donations!

The winner of Fox 59's competition to shave Jim's beard on-air was Terry Langley. Terry is a cancer survivor herself and last week we had the honor to meet her and watch as she shaved the scruff from Jim's face! See the video below for all the details.


Sunday, October 17, 2010

Indy Style joining the cause

Tracy Forner from the television show Indy Style is welcoming a beard for the month of October to help raise awareness and collect donations for Beards for Breast Cancer. Indy Style invited Adam and I onto the show last week to explain how growing a beard in October helps to raise awareness. See the clip below to view our appearance.

Tracy is also collecting donations for Beards for Breast Cancer by setting up a donation page on the the Komen for the Cure webpage. If you'd like to donate on behalf of Tracy and Indy Style, click here .

We are currently just over halfway to our $1000 goal, let's reach that goal by the end of the month! I know we can do it!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Attention all Indy Beards!

As everyone knows, Fox59 news in Indianapolis is showing their support for Breast Cancer by having meteorologist Jim O'Brien grow out his beard for half of the month. What you may not know is that YOU can have a chance to be on-air, Friday October 15, to shave Jim's beard off.

To enter, follow the directions listed on Fox59's website. Remember that you must have your donation in by Wednesday night to be considered for the contest!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

How One School is Welcoming the Beards

Since Beards for Breast Cancer has started, we have heard a few good stories of how some businesses are participating.  Here is a very cool story of how one Indiana school is participating and attempting to raise money one beard at a time.

I recently got an email from Kelly Treinen, the principal at Durbin Elementary in Noblesville, Indiana.  She let me know that they would sponsoring 4th grade teacher Lance Schnaus, who had decided to participate in Beards for Breast Cancer this year.  The staff at Durbin Elementary will be wearing jeans and pink on Wednesdays during the month of October and will donate $5 each day they participate.  Jason McKay and Aaron Stevenson are also joining Lance in participating.

This could end up being a substantial amount of money at the end of the month.  We really want to thank them for taking part in the event and getting so many people involved at the school.  Is your business or school taking part in Beards for Breast Cancer?  If so, what are you doing as a group to participate? 

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Fighting the Battle $1 At a Time

We are now seven days into the 2nd year of Beards for Breast Cancer.  We have raised just under $400 already and have surpassed the amount we raised last year for the entire month.  We will typically see more donations come in towards the later half of the month.  This is because some companies participate and will make a lump sum donation at the very end.

The response has been really good so far and we really want to keep the momentum going.  We have also had quite a few questions regarding donating for a specific person that is growing a beard.  When you are making your donation, there is an area for special instructions when you are confirming your donation.  Just put the person's name in this area.  If you have any additional questions regarding this, please feel free to contact us.

It isn't too late to participate.  Go ahead and start growing your beard to help spread the word.

If you have something specific that you are doing at your workplace for Beards for Breast Cancer, we would love to hear about it.  Tell us about it in the comments below.  Thank you for all of your help so far and let's keep the donations coming.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Spreading the Word

We've been seeing some great community involvement with Beards for Breast Cancer so far. From all the participants sending pictures and the talk on Twitter and Facebook, we've been seeing a lot of people get involved. This is great! TV station Fox 59 out of Indianapolis had Adam and I on the morning show to help us spread the word, see the video below.

Be sure to let people know that its not too late to join! Anyone can start growing a beard today to join in on the cause. Remember that donations are collected using PayPal with all of the money going to the Susan G Komen for the Cure foundation. Click the Donate button on the right to help out!


Saturday, October 2, 2010

First Day Success

The first day for Beards for Breast Cancer has been a success! We've seen people from all over the world join the cause and help raise awareness by spreading the word through Twitter and Facebook. Through the first day we've collected $140 which brings us closer to our $1000 goal.

The Fox 59 news team out of Indianapolis mentioned Beards for Breast Cancer on their morning show yesterday and has several employees participating! The video from yesterdays segment can be seen below.

Remember, it's not too late to join the campaign. If you're wanting to join, start with a clean shave today and help to spread the word and raise donations! Thanks to everyone who is joining and participating!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Let the Beards Grow


The official start for Beards for Breast Cancer is tomorrow (October 1st).  Remember to start with a clean shave on October 1st and let it grow through the end of the month.  Make sure to check out the Rules page if you have any questions on how it works.

Don't forget to take pictures throughout the month and email them to us so we can display them here.

Let the beard growing begin!

Photo: Faith Goble

Monday, September 27, 2010

October is Approaching

This is the last week before Beards for Breast Cancer officially kicks off. Continue to spread the word and get as many people as possible to join in. On Friday, remember to be clean shaven and then feel free to throw the razor away because you won't be needing it until November!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Help Us Spread The Word

We are starting to ramp up for Beards for Breast Cancer during the month of October.  We are growing beards again to help raise awareness for breast cancer.  Don't forget you can participate too.  We could really use your help on getting the word out.  We are trying to raise at least $1,000 this year.  Here are a couple of ways that you can help us.

Help Us on Twitter
If you are on Twitter, you can help out by sending out the tweet below. Just copy and paste the text below.

Please help Beards for Breast Cancer reach their $1,000 goal for Susan G Komen. Donate $1. #b4bc

Help Us on Facebook
If you are Facebook, please "Like Us" to help us spread the word.

Get Our Gear
You can also help out by purchasing a Beards for Breast Cancer shirt from our new Beards for Breast Cancer store.  Not only are you help us spread the word by doing so, but all of the proceeds from the sale of the shirts will be donated towards the cause.

Thanks for your help.  We really appreciate it!


Monday, September 6, 2010

Year Two

Welcome back everyone! We're starting preparations for another year of Beards for Breast Cancer. There have been many changes to the site including a new redesign, increased connectivity through facebook, twitter, and RSS. Also, we now have a shop open to purchase Beards for Breast Cancer apparel.

Be sure to spread the word about Beards for Breast Cancer during the month of September and make sure to join us on the first of October!